“A Brush With Kindness” (ABWK) is a program of Montcalm County Habitat for Humanity designed to benefit residents, senior citizens, and veterans with household incomes at or below 60% of the median income for Montcalm County, adjusted for family size. The program can help with some minor home repair as well as handicap ramps. We are planning up to 10 ABWK projects this year.


Depending on income, selected applicants are expected to pay for some of the material costs of the project and contribute some "sweat equity", considering homeowner age and physical ability.  Volunteers from the local community do the work. 


Interested Montcalm County residents should call our office at 616-754-5772 with any questions or complete and return the application below to begin the application process.


ABWK pre application letter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 69.8 KB
ABWK new backpage form for application.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 84.1 KB
ABWK Application
MCHFH ABWK Application FINAL.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.0 MB

We are also looking for people with construction experience or willing hearts and hands to work on these short term projects as volunteers. 


Whether you have construction experience or are willing to learn, please use the form provided on our "Volunteer" page or give us a call at 616-754-5772.

  Shop, Donate, Volunteer!

CALL (616) 754-5014

  Putting Faith Into Action

“Our mission is about

tearing down walls

and building bridges.

It is about offering hope

 and transforming lives.

It is about serving God

by serving others.”

Habitat for Humanity